I have an UltraComboEditor on a Form with other controls on the Form and I have the UltraComboEditor.DropDownStyle set to DropDownList.
When the UltraComboEditor has focus and I press Up/Down Arrow, the selected item in the UltraComboEditor moves by one item (up or down). If I press Left/Right Arrow, the control loses focus and passes it to the next control - acting like a Tab.
Windows Combo Boxes allow the Left/Right Arrow to be pressed and this performs the same functionality as Up/Down Arrow.
Why does the Infragistics control tab to another control?
When DropDownStyle is set to DropDown, it uses them for the edit portion, and we probably never handled the DropDownList case. You might want to submit an incident for this.
Hi Brian,
I have lost track of this and have now pickled it up again.
How do I raise an Incident for this?
Are you able to do this for me and get some feedback from your Dev Team?
Hello Alex,
I am glad that I was able to help.
If you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.
Thanks Danko for the confirmation.
I am happy for you to Close this Incident as there is a solution available by upgrading the controls.
Many Thanks,
I have tested the mentioned behavior with NetAdvantage 2008 vol3 - 1009 which is base version of the controls as well as with the latest service release available for 2008 vol3 - 2138 and the behavior as the same as yours. Due to our controls lifecycle (http://es.infragistics.com/support/product-lifecycle.aspx#ProductLifecycle ) we are not going to have any further service releases for 2008 vol3 and if your customers require the mentioned functionality they would have to you one of the supported versions like NetAdvatange 2010 vol3.
Please let me know if you have any other questions on this matter.
Hi Danko,
The application is using NetAdvantage 2008 vol 3, Version 8.3.20083.1009
Can you just verify you have the issue with the above version. I can then let our client know that an upgrade of the controls would be required.
I have test this out with NetAdvnatge 2010 vol.3 base version - 1000 and with 2010 vol.3 2067 latest service release available and with both version I am getting the correct behavior. If I press Left/Right arrows the control doesn't lose focus and just selects previous/next item in the control.
What version of the NetAdvantage controls you are using? Are there any service release applied?
If you are using NetAdvantage 2010 vol3 could you please provide me a small sample reproducing this behavior or some specific steps that I would be able to follow at my end.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions.