When you create a simple grid databound to a datatable and then set each column header to be CheckBoxVisibility = Always, and a CheckBoxSynchronization of None you get check boxes in each column as you would want.
However, if you make the grid small enough that you have to scroll horizontally to see the columns, you get a weird problem where the check boxes can effectively check or uncheck themselves at random (it seems).
So steps to reproduce are:
1. Setup a grid
2. Bind to a datasource with mutiple columns
3. Programmatically set all columns to check boxes as follows:foreach (UltraGridColumn col in ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns){ col.Header.CheckBoxSynchronization = HeaderCheckBoxSynchronization.None; col.Header.CheckBoxVisibility = HeaderCheckBoxVisibility.Always;}
4. Run program and resize form/grid so horizontal scroll bars show up
5. Check one of the headers then scroll around. Several of the other headers now check themselves for no reason.
Is this a know bug? Please does anyone have a workaround? I have attached a zip solution that shows the issue.
Hello Doug,
This sounds to me like a known bug that may have already been fixed. Try getting the latest service release and see if that helps: How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
Let me know if you require further assistance.
Hi Chris,
I am using version 9.2 downloaded September 4th. I cant see any update to this. Am I missing something, or is there a patch?
We attempt to release patches known as Service Releases on a monthly basis. I believe the fix for your issue was made available in the service release from November. Therefore, the latest available service release should resolve your issue.
Service Releases are available via the "My Keys and Downloads" page which you can access using the details in the link provided in the previous post.
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
All I see is the entire download. Is this what I need rather than a smaller service release file? I will download the whole 150MB on the assumption it is correct.
Ive spotted the right link now. Sorry for being thick...
Yes, this appears to solve the bug.
Many thanks,
Doug Rees
Great. Let me know in either case if the service release resolves your issue.