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Stumped with an error message


I am using WinGrid .Net v2.0.20062.60510.

The grid displays the data from a table where FirstName is mandatory.

I do a dsDataSet.Update on the _AfterRowUpdate event.

While I add data to the phantom row at the bottom of the grid, and supply thr required data, when I click on an existing row, the databse is updated with no errors.

However, when I click on the new Phantom Row, I get an error message "First Name is mandatory". But the row does get updated in the table.

Can somebody tell my what I am doing wrong?


  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I assume that by "the phantom row" you are referring to the TemplateAddRow.

    As soon as you click on the TemplateAddRow, it becomes an AddRow and a new AddRow is added to the grid's DataSource. So if you call Update on your DataSet at this point, you are trying to save 2 rows, not just one.

    I don't see any way around this. By placing the focus in the AddNewRow, you are essentially in the middle of an edit of a new row and that row is part of the data source, so it will try to get saved.

    It's probably not a good idea to try to update the back end after each individual row update. The DotNet framework is set up to do updates in batches, not one at a time.

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