I need to know if it's possible (and how) to define via AppStylist the column alignment (by datatype maybe?) inside the Wingrids across my appl... Trying to do this, I only achieved to align the columns at wingrid level, not column level...
Hi Daniel,
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "column alignment".
There's no way to align the columns within the grid, they always appears left to right.
If you mean the text within the cells, then this should be easy enough to do on the UltraGridCell UIRole.
Not sure what you mean by "at the WinGrid level", though.
Yes, i wasn´t clear enough, and yes, what i need it´s to know how to align the text inside the cells (int -> right, string ->left, date -> centered, etc...)... I´ll be looking at the UltraGrid Cell UIRole as you said...