Im trying to make something like the list of Recent Documents of Office 2007 Suite, with index shortcut, description (multicolumn if possible) and a pin button (or any custom button/control). Something like it seems at this image:
There is any easy way to do this? Any suggestion?
Ah, i have another question related to this. Its possible to add a Control directly, like a button tool or a label tool, or the only way is to make a Popup Control Container tool? That could be a solution for my problem, creating my own control for this.
Thanks in advance,
- David Balboa.
Unfortunately, this is not easy to accomplish and ControlContainerTools are not allowed in menus. One way to accomplish this would be to create a custom tool type. Inheriting from ButtonTool would probably give you the best starting point. The you would need to add in a ButtonUIElementBase-derived element (for the pin button) to your custom UI element for the tool. This custom element should probably inherit from ButtonToolUIElement. Here is a help article that can help with creating a custom tool type: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2008.1/CLR2.0/html/WinToolbarsManager_Custom_Tool_Types.html
Aside from that, I would recommend submitting a feature request to the support group: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx.
Thanks for the info. Seems not easy way, but ill try it next week. Also i submited a feature request about this like you said.
I know it's been a while, but have you made any progress on this? I'd like to do a very similar thing but didn't get very far along the ButtonTool path.
This has not been implemented yet. You can submit another feature request for this: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx. The number of requests for a particular feature is taken into account when deciding what to implement in future releases.
Hello Mike,
We are using Infragistics 8.3.20083.2021, even we do want the same functionality, we want an number (underline) and the text in the recent document section (same as the office 2007).
Is this feature provided in the above mentioned version? Or is there any workaround for the same ?
Thanks in advance
You can use mnemonics to display these underlines. To use them, use the '&' character before the character you would like to underline. So the caption for one of the tools would be "&1 Recently Used Item". Note that your system setting on whether to hide mnemonics characters will be honored by the UltraToolbarsManager, so you may have to hit the Alt key to see the mnemonics.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply, but it is not working for me.
I am adding the items at the run time.
Do you have any other workaround for it.
Did you open the menu with the Alt key? If not, you will not see the underlines by defualt. If you did, it could be a bug and I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group: http://es.infragistics.com/gethelp.