I've implemented day highlighting in the DayView in the way it's described here: http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/15064/55237.aspx.
The problem that I've run into occurs when the ActiveDay is changed via a mouse click handler, but there is no selected time slot. This happens in two cases:
In these cases, the 8am (the beginning of my "working" time slot area) time slot of the first visible day is automatically selected along with the appointment or all day area that was clicked, and I'm having trouble finding a way to make it stop.
I was able to find a workaround for case #1 by selecting a more appropriate time slot (like the first one of the day) before the ActiveDay is changed. That worked fine, but it doesn't work for case #2, because setting the time slot clears the selection of the all day area (which I still want to allow the user to select). Reselecting that all day area would get me to the state I want to be in, but the selection moving around would be visible to the user and look silly.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I was not able to understand what you are trying to acheive because the post you referenced deals with changing the header appearance, and I don't see the connection between that and time slot selection.
tshawver said:In these cases, the 8am (the beginning of my "working" time slot area) time slot of the first visible day is automatically selected along with the appointment or all day area that was clicked, and I'm having trouble finding a way to make it stop.
In case this helps you, the following code sample demonstrates how to programmatically select the all day event area, which will clear time slot selection.
Example:ISelectionManager selectionManager = this.dayView as ISelectionManager;selectionManager.SelectItem( this.dayView.VisibleDays[0] as ISelectableItem, false );
Brian Fallon"] I was not able to understand what you are trying to acheive because the post you referenced deals with changing the header appearance, and I don't see the connection between that and time slot selection.
Sorry, I should have made the relevance of the header appearance post more clear. The reason it's relevant is because I use that method to change the header appearance whenever a day is clicked, which requires me to programmatically to change the ActiveDay. This changing of the ActiveDay is what causes the first time slot to be automatically selected. It's automatically selected only when there's no other time slot selected; if another time slot on the control is selected, it stays selected as expected.
Brian Fallon"] Selection between the time slots, all day event area, and appointments is mutually exclusive, so to have an appointment and a time slot both selected at the same time is actually impossible.
If what you're saying is true, then I'm guessing the behavior seeing is a defect. Here's a screen shot: