Hi there !
How can I display NO decimals in the UltraCurrencyEditor ?
I've tried like this:
"BaseAmount"].EditorComponent = ultraCurrencyEditor1;ultraCurrencyEditor1.FormatString = "N0"; //still displays 2 decimalsThis works for a normal cell in the Grid, but apprantly not for the UltraCurrencyEditor?I want amount to be displayed like this:667.555 kr. but it is like this now 667.555,00 kr. <-- I want to REMOVE the ,00 !?
Kind regards,EE.
Note that FormatString is only applied when the control does not have focus, or in the case where it is embedded within a cell, when the cell is not in edit mode. If you are aware of this, and the problem exixts when the cell is not in edit mode, my first suspicion would be that the column's Format property is set, whih would override the UltraNumericEditor's setting.
Hi There,
It's working excellent NOT in edit-mode ( i.e. not using the CurrencyEditor ) like this:I'm also able to make it appear correctly in the CurrencyEditor ( e.g. no decimals ) BUT then I lose the ".- KR" ( currency )
/*ultraCurrencyEditor1.FormatString = "c"; ultraCurrencyEditor1.MaskInput = "nnnnnnnn"; ultraCurrencyEditor1.PromptChar = ' ';*/
e.Row.Cells["BaseAmount"].EditorComponent = ultraCurrencyEditor1; e.Row.Cells["MaximumAmountWithBranchAuthorization"].EditorComponent = ultraCurrencyEditor1;
This is the stuff that get's the cell's correct NOT in edit-mode:
e.Layout.Bands["TransactionAuthorizations"].Columns["BaseAmount"].Format = "N0"; // setur punkta og enga aukastafi, sem er flott e.Layout.Bands["TransactionAuthorizations"].Columns["MaximumAmountWithBranchAuthorization"].Format = "N0";
but the UltraCurrencyEditor is giving me pain .......
How would you do this exacly ?
I want amount to be displayed like this:667.555 kr. but it is like this now 667.555,00 kr. <-- I want to REMOVE the ,00 !?
Maybe set the MaskInput to a value like this:
string currencySymbol = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol;string mask = string.Format("nnnnnnnn {0}", currencySymbol);
hmmmm, there is one problem with this though ...
You loose the "." in between when WRITING in the box,e.g. I would like to see this RIGHT AWAY:2.000.000 instead of 2000000 and then having to TAB out of the control to see the 2.000.000
Any solution to this also ??
Hello EE,
As I understand you - you want to have the 2.000.000 values like when in edit mode and when not in edit mode? If so, you could set your mask and format to n.nnn.nnn #.###.###.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.