Hi all,
Can I change the existing resources of Roles in AppStylist?
For example: with UltraTabControl role, we have BlackTapHor resource (click on Resource tab). Can I change this resource?
Any helping will be appreciate :)
I find your question a bit puzzling. In order to take this screen shot, you have clearly opened up the isl file in AppStylist and selected the resource. So you should see the properties of this resource in AppStylist at the bottom and you can edit whatever you want.
So I'm not sure what you are asking.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply :), I already solved this issue by myself.
May I ask you another question?
Can I set border color for Disable state of UI Roles? (as an image below)
Many thanks to you, Mike :)
Hi Markus,
I can see by this screen shot, that there is no background color applied to this resource. But there is a background image.
So my guess is that if you are changing the background color and you are only seeing that color around the edges, it's because the background image is covering most of the object and there's only a little bit around the edges that is not covered.
Hello Mike,
What Image??? I see Background Image property is set to "file" but I can not see any file name or information what this is. PLEASE can you tell me what "file" or anything else this is? ??
Looking at the .ISL file with notepad I just see some "cryptic" data after the <imageBackground> tag.
The file is embedded in the isl. You can see that there is a file applied, but you cannot see the image or modify it from within AppStylist.
If you want to extract the image to a file, you can do that, and then you could modify the image and replace it with a new one. What you do is to the main menu and select File-->Export Images.
You can specify a folder and AppStylist will export all images used by the isl file into a folder. The files are name based on the role and state.
This is not totally true.
Images used as CheckBoxGlyph and RadioButtonGlyh are not exported!!
Hi Michael,
You are correct. Only images from Resources and UIRoles are exported.
Images assigned to ComponentRole properties are not. Is this something you need?
What do you mean by "bulk import pictures"? Can you give an example? Thank you in advance!
No, don't need this function. I was just struggeling finding the images for the Checkbox/Radio a while ago. Thought it would be helpful for others.
But a good new function would be if it would be possible to bulk import pictures.