We are using Infragistics Win grid Version 8.3.20083.2021.
We want a group summary to be displayed on the group header along with the custom caption. Please find attached the snap shot for your reference.
I'm not sure what you are asking.
Summaries display in the GroupByRow by default. You don't have to do anything. Ar eyou asking how to add sumaries to the grid? If that's the case, you use the Summaries collection on the band.
I recommend doing this in the InitializeLayout event. Something like:
we have manage to summary in group header but we want it Right aligned of group header
One thing is important summary display header display like “Total Cost” instead of column name of dataset(“TotalCost”)
There is following code
Dim StrFormat As String
Dim band As UltraGridBand = ulGridEstimateDetail.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
Dim sumTotalCost As SummarySettings = band.Summaries.Add(SummaryType.Sum, band.Columns("TotalCost"))
With sumTotalCost
.SummaryPosition = SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn
.SummaryPosition = SummaryPosition.Right
.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Right
.DisplayFormat = "$ {0:#####0.00}"
.SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRows
.Appearance.TextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Right
End With
band.Override.BorderStyleSummaryValue = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.None
band.Override.SummaryValueAppearance.FontData.Bold = DefaultableBoolean.True
ulGridEstimateDetail.DisplayLayout.Override.SummaryFooterCaptionVisible = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False
Let us your correction in code
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply. It worked.