I am using Ig-9.1 version. I need a ScrollToCaret method for ultraFormattedTextEditor like UltraTextEditor. I need the same functionalitiy for my project. Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
I took a look, but I could not find any such method. I recommend that you Submit a feature request to Infragistics
I raised a support request as I wanted the same functionality, also it's worth noting that a (non-ideal) workaround is to do PerformAction() with a Left and then a Right as this triggers a ScrollIntoView in the control.
Looking in reflector it looks like the method already exists in the control but it's currently not public.
I am now following to use PerformAction FormattedLinkEditorAction.Right for the current workaround.Hope ScrollToCaret functionality works soon.
Out of curiosity - how do you get the control into a state where the caret is out of view? It should stay in view automatically.