I've read around about memory leak and infragistics control.
Just wanted to know if the issue was fixed. If so, from what release was it fixed.
We are using 2008.2 and are experiencing the memory leak issue.
We'll need more specific information to investigate further. At a minimum, we'll need to know what platfrom and what control(s) are in use.
I recommend that you submit a support request to provide these details, and so that a Developer Support Engineer can investigate your issue.
we are using 8.2.20082.1000
we are using lots of the common controls, grid, combo, texteditor, etc.
We just want to know if the memory leak issue have been fixed (I believe that this issue is common and have been raised on multiple occassion).
There could be any of a number of causes for memory leaks. Some of these may be in our controls, some may be in the application that uses our controls.
To determine which is the case, as well as to determine whether any particular issue is already addressed, we will need to investigate this in-depth. Becasue of this, I suggest submitting a support request.
What about the memory leak in your controls. Has that been address?
Which memory leak? As I've mentioned, we'd need to investigate to determine whether any particular apparent memory leak is an issue in our controls or not, and if it is in our controls, whether it's already been addressed.
I still don't know what platform you're using. Could you confirm, so that I can move this thread to the appropriate forum?
Well I haven't investigated in details the memory leak issues.
There were some discussion about the control hooking to a static event for the styling of the app. Which causes the controls to never be GC because of that static event.
Platform? are you referring to Winform, Web, WPF, etc?
If this is the case, then it's WinForm.
So I couldn't give more details about this issue, that's why I just wanted to know if the memory leak issue has been addressed. If so, in which release, so we can give it a test without wasting too much time on investigating the reason of the issue. Just wanted to know quickly. But if the issue has not been addressed, we'll investigate further and sent it to your engineers.
Thanks - that clarifies the issue significantly.
GoDaddy said:There were some discussion about the control hooking to a static event for the styling of the app. Which causes the controls to never be GC because of that static event.
If you're showing your form modally using ShowDialog(), then this automatic disposal of the form doesn't happen. This is correct behavior in Windows Forms. The solution here is to dispose of your form expliciitly, which will then dispose its child controls.
If you've created controls but haven't added them to a Controls collection, such as by storing them in a field of your form class, they won't be automatically disposed. In this case, you must explicitly dispose these controls. This the situation where our controls hooking static events causes an issue. Changing this will require significant rearchitecture, likely including implementation of a "weak reference" event handler, and has not yet been done.
Have you verified that Dispose is being called on the Form? If you have a break point in the method, does it get hit?
Been struggling with this for a while now. I tried disposing the controls by overriding the dispose event on my form and then disposing of each control however the controls are still staying in memory.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try
'On Error Resume Next 'tracker issue 922 - memory leak For Each ctl As Control In ParentControl.Controls Try If ctl.HasChildren Then DisposeFormControls(ctl) If ctl.Name <> "" Then ctl.Dispose() End If Catch ex As Exception End Try Next
Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try GC.Collect() End Sub
What did I miss?
We're aware of it, and are considering it for future releases. To my knowledge, it hasn't been specifically included in any particular release. Given the size of the changes required, we have to balance this against other development time, so we're handling it much like we would a request for a new feature.
Is the weak ref strategy planned for a near release, or it is just too big of a change?