i wanted to start evaluation for your netadvantage components.
Is it true you do not provide a design time licence with the demo version?
If you provide one please give me details on how to get it started because when opening the designer for a control in the sample-explorer project i receive an exception from the getdesigntimelicense method.
If you do not provide a design time license:
You should know, that we have written our own evaluation framework containing a sample explorer, where we want to compare implementation code for a huge set of features we might need for various controls. we need this framework to rate and weight the features/the implementations and generate our decision matrix.
You see a design time license is essential for us to evaluate your product . If we don't have it we might decide not to recognize your product all (which would be a pitty because it looks very interesting at the first sight)
So can you provice a design time license for evaluation?
And one other question:
I am missing two features which are very importand for us in your sample viewer:
Grid Feature 1. Relations: This feature allows the grid to view detail records by drop down an hirarchical grid below each record.
Minimum Code: grid.AutoPopulateRelationsFromDataSetDefinition = True
Grid Feature 2. Grouping: This feature allows the grid to generate master record rows from a distinct row value (grouping criteria) and allow to drop down a hirarchical grid which contains all records with this grouping criteria. (the rows must be sorted by the grouping criteria field for this feature)
Minimum Code: Grid.GroupedColumns.Add("MyColumn") or Grid.AllowGroupingGui = True
I see you added an example how to realize Feature 1. Relations. I see one needs to write a lot of code to do this. We might decide to go this way, but we evaluated other controls which provide full support of both features with a minimum of required client code.. You really should support these features because they seem to be quite standard in other products. (we placed one of the highest weights for these features.)
Thanks and regards,
KarleATNeufra said:Is it true you do not provide a design time licence with the demo version?
KarleATNeufra said:If you provide one please give me details on how to get it started because when opening the designer for a control in the sample-explorer project i receive an exception from the getdesigntimelicense method.
KarleATNeufra said:Grid Feature 1. Relations: This feature allows the grid to view detail records by drop down an hirarchical grid below each record.
KarleATNeufra said:Grid Feature 2. Grouping: This feature allows the grid to generate master record rows from a distinct row value (grouping criteria) and allow to drop down a hirarchical grid which contains all records with this grouping criteria. (the rows must be sorted by the grouping criteria field for this feature)
Vince McDonald"]What's the exception you're receiving?
The message is empty ("").
The call stack is:
bei Infragistics.Shared.UltraLicenseProvider.GetDesignTimeLicense(Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, UltraLicenseBaseAttribute licenseAttribute)bei Infragistics.Shared.UltraLicenseProvider.GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions)bei System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license, String& licenseKey)bei System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternal(Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license)bei System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance)bei Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid..ctor()
I'm trying to run the sample on a Terminal Window of a Windows 2008 Server Standard.
An empty message? I wasn't expecting that. This will likely take some research to determine what would cause this to occur.
I've passed this information on to a Developer Support Engineer, who will create a support case on your behalf and will work with you to investigate and resolve this issue.