Question on UltraGrid Events:-
I would like to paste a copied value into a particular ultragrid cell. I could do this using "DoubleClickCell" event but I'm looking for a single click. Could you suggest me which event I should use to achieve this?
I tried "BeforeCellActivate", and "AfterCellActivate" but it cannot be raised if that cell is already active.
The latest version if the grid has a ClickCell event. If that event does not exist on your grid, then you might want to consider updating.
Or, you could determine which cell was clicked on in the MouseUp or MouseDown event using UIElements: HOWTO:UltraWinGrid Mouse Position and Cell Identification
I currently use "NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0". What is the latest version I could use. Also, are there any known issues if I upgrade my grid to latest versions?
Thank you