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Databinding and Memory Leak

Create a custom class, and define a collection for it i.e. BindingList(Of CustomClass). Initialize this and keep it in a module

On a form,  lets call it Form1, put a Grid on it and in Form Load set the datasource to the CustomCollection in the module. On Form 1 also put a button, onclick on which Form2 is opened

Create another form, Form2, there also put a Grid and in Form Load set the datasource to the same Custom Collection in the module.


Now open Form1:

click on the button - this will open Form2, in the load of which grid.datasource = customcollection gets executed. Then close Form2 without doing anything else on it. Repeat this step a few times. You will notice that after each button click the time taken to open Form2, keeps increasing progressively.


I have tested the same on a WIndows DataGrid, it works fine. Repeated clicks on the button in Form1, opens up Form2 right away without any delay

Can you suggest what might be going on




  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    There are too many unknowns here for me to properly test this. Can you provide a small sample project demonstrating this behavior? You can just attach your sample here and I will take a look.

    Also, please make sure you have the latest service release. This may be an issue that is already fixed.

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