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SavetoXml/LoadfromXml Upgrade Problem


After upgrading from V8.2 to 9.1 we have some problems, hopefully you can help us:

Our Users can save/load their personell DisplayLayout preferences via SaveToXml/LoadFromXml.

With 8.2 everything is fine but 9.1 is not able to read the "8.2" Xml.

This is what we do:

Dim u32 As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
Dim input As Byte() = u32.GetBytes(dr(0)("XML_File"))
Dim ss As Stream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(input)
XX_grd.DisplayLayout.LoadFromXml(ss, PropertyCategories.All) <- Error Object not set to an.......


Any Ideas?

Thank you


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  • 37774
    Suggested Answer


    The only issue I got in a quick test was an xml formatting exception when trying to load a layout I had saved to an xml file, but I suspect that this may be due to the fact that I'm saving the file differently than you are.  With that being said, I know that there were several serialization-related issues that have been addressed since the release of 9.1, so you should try out the latest service release to see if it addresses your problem.  Otherwise, if you still get the problem, if you could post a snippet on how you're saving your layout, or even better a small sample project, I'll be happy to take a look at it.

