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Bind Column ValueList directly to a DataTable


I have a hierarchical grid, which is bound to a dataset via the DataBind method.

On certain columns I have to display the text in stead of numbers.

I do this at the moment in creating valuelists for these columns by looping thru the rows of a datatable.

Somtimes I need the same valuelists in two columns but different bands or even in two grids on the same form.

To get this working I have to clone the valulists otherwise I get a runtime error.

I'm wondering if there is no way to bind a valuelist of acolumn directly to the dataset.





No Data
  • 460

    i'v built this function with 4 overloads, you pass a dt it returns as valuelist

    Public Overloads Shared Function getLookupValueList(ByVal lkpdt As DataTable, ByVal displayCol As String, ByVal isExpr As Boolean) As ValueList

    Return getLookupValueList(lkpdt, displayCol, isExpr, String.Empty, False)

    End Function


    Public Overloads Shared Function getLookupValueList(ByVal lkpDT As DataTable, ByVal displayCol As String, ByVal isExpr As Boolean, ByVal filter As String) As ValueList

    Return getLookupValueList(lkpDT, displayCol, isExpr, filter, False)

    End Function


    Public Overloads Shared Function getLookupValueList(ByVal lkpDT As DataTable, ByVal displayCol As String, ByVal isExpr As Boolean, ByVal sort As Boolean) As ValueList

    Return getLookupValueList(lkpDT, displayCol, isExpr, String.Empty, sort)

    End Function

    Public Overloads Shared Function getLookupValueList(ByVal lkpDT As DataTable, ByVal displayCol As String, ByVal isExpr As Boolean, ByVal filter As String, ByVal sort As Boolean) As ValueList

    'same as above, but it filters the datatable by the given filter value

    If isExpr Then

    lkpDT.Columns.Add("expr", GetType(String), displayCol)

    displayCol = "expr"

    End If

    Dim myRows As DataRow()

    If filter = String.Empty Then

    If sort = True Then

    myRows = lkpDT.Select("TRUE=TRUE", displayCol)


    myRows = lkpDT.Select()

    End If


    If sort = True Then

    myRows = lkpDT.Select(filter, displayCol)


    myRows = lkpDT.Select(filter)

    End If

    End If

    Dim myVL As New ValueList

    myVL.Key = lkpDT.TableName

    For Each row As DataRow In myRows

    If Not row.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then myVL.ValueListItems.Add(row.Item(0), row.Item(displayCol).ToString)


    If myVL.ValueListItems.Count = 0 Then

    myVL.ValueListItems.Add(0, "**No Items In List**")

    End If



    If isExpr Then


    End If

    Return myVL

    End Function
