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Issues with WinGrid after v9.1 upgrade

I just recently upgraded my projects from ver 8.3 to ver9.1 and have applied all the current releases. I am now experiencing the following two issues i am not able to resolve.

1.) I am currently setting my grid datasource at runtime to generic IList(of T). This was working without issue in the previous version but now is taking and exceptionally long time to load. I read Mike's Perfomance guide document where it indicates that a binding source is now recommended.  Can you give me some guidance as to how to set a Bindingsource to a generic IList(of T) or a List(of T)?

2.) All my grids are now displaying a Row Expansion where in the previous version by rows were flush to the left. My grids are single Band grids for the most part without children. I did find the override property of ExpansionIndicator and set this to Never but that just removes the + sign it does not repostion the rows to flush to the left.  Is there another property with the new version that needs to be set to remove the row expansion?

My thanks in advance for your help.

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    Verified Answer

    I had this exact same issue when I finally did the upgrade from ver 8.3 to ver 10.1 with service release .2013   I was able to resolve both of these issues by  setting the grids MaxBandDepth from the default value of 100 to either 1 or 2 (as necessary for the grid) and setting the grids ViewStyle from the default MultiBand to SingleBand as appropriate for the grid.

    Setting the MaxBandDepth to a more appropriate number resolved the binding taking an exceptionally long time.  And setting the ViewStyle to SingleBand (when appropriate) resolved the Row Expansion issue.
