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Need help by changing column width using ultraGrid and DataSet

Hey there,


I've filled a dataSet with two tables and related them to each other. Finally i bounded the dataSet as datasource for the ultraGrid. My problem is that the columns in the different levels of the treeview has the same width (also when i change the width of one)


as you can see in my sample the column ID is in both levels the same width as well as the "Name der Stelle" column and the "Jahr" column .... whatever column i change in size all times the other columns gets the same width.


what can i do??




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  • 17259
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowColSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AllowColSizing.Free

    This question was asked so many times and the answer is hard to find by search. It's time this value be the default.
