I'm using a Business Object to display hierarchical data. Each generated band should have the same column and header settings. Is there a method to easily copy these?
Hi Frank,
Your question is a bit too open-ended for me to give you a specific answer. What kinds of settings are you referring to here?
Hi Mike,
I mean I have different bands with the same columns (keys are equal), because it's a hierarchical grid. Now all the bands should look the same and it costs much time to "design" each band equally.
Therefor I've written a method to copy all the properties from Band 0 to all other Bands, but maybe a method for this is already existing?
That doesn't really answer my question. What properties are currently copying from one band to the other?
width: You could set AllowColSizing to Synchronized - which is the default, in fact.
height, enabled, visible: There's no way to do this, unless you are using RowLayouts. If you use RowLayouts, then you could copy the RowLayout from one band to another.
header.title, editorcontrol: These you would have to do in code.
I need to copy *all* properties. That means width, height, header.title, editorcontrol, enabled, visible and so on.