I am trying to format the text of my alert with line breaks but it's not working. How can I put line breaks in my text. The sample below does work with the vbCrLf.
Dim daw As New Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfodaw.Caption = ta.SUBJECTdaw.FooterText = ""daw.Key = ta.IDdaw.Text = "Start: " & ta.DATETIMESTART.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ta.DESCRIPTIONMe.UltraDesktopAlert1.Show(daw)
korazy said:The sample below does work with the vbCrLf
Assuming this was intended to read, "The sample below does not work with the vbCrLf", try the System.Environment.NewLine constant instead.
Sorry, I didn't realize I left out the very important word 'not' from my original post. I apologize for the confusion.
I realized that I need to use HTML formating with that control after posting my original question. Wrapping my text in <span> tags with <br/> for line seperaters has worked.