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WinGrid Active row configuration

Hi Guys,

I find it a bit hard to explain my issue - so i'll show it:

When a user clicks one of the rows in the grids - the text inside the cell is marked in a blue highlight and the active row indication is not being seen since there is only one cell in the row. I want to disable it. I don't want the text to be marked at all - just the active row indication bar to be set on this row.

In the image above - the left side demonstrates what i don't want to happen when a user clicks a row - the right side demonstrates what i would like to happen when a user clicks a row.

In the right side - only the active row indication bar is shown - this is what i want to happen when the user clicks (selects a row) - there is no multiple selection here - only one row can be selected/activated. This is just for explaining what i want to happen - in practice - if i will click this row - the same as the left side will happen to the right side.

I couldn't find any setting that controls this - can you guys help?





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  • 12773
    Verified Answer

    Hello Gili,

    As far I understand your question you need two things:

    1.    To selected whole row, on cell click:
    this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellClickAction.RowSelect
    This will select the whole row instead of starting edit of the clicked cell.

    2.    To allow only one row to be selected at the same time:

    this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.MaxSelectedRows = 1;
    This will limit the selected rows count to one.

    I hope this is working in your scenario. Let me know if you have questions about this.

    Bets regards,
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragisttics Inc
