Hi all,
I have a problem during a PDF Export. I don't know how to solve this problem. The first figure GridScreenShot shows my grid. The second figure shows, that the PDF Export. In my grid I'm using hidden groups and hidden columns, this is maybe the reason for the export problems. Is there a way to export what I see?
What version of the controls are you using? Do you have the latest Hot Fix?
Hi Mike,
I'm using version 8.3 and I couldn't use the hotfix.
Why can't you use the Hot Fix?
I'm pretty sure that this is a known bug which was fixed. If not, then it's clearly a bug. There's nothing you should have to do to get hte columns to stay hidden.
This aren't the screenshots of the pdf export, this is now my grid
I installed Version 2009 and the hotfix for that version. Now the pdf export works fine, but I got some other problems. See the first figure below, this behavior wasn't with version 8.3.
In my appliaction I need to dynamically hide/visualize columns. I don't use the columns chooser, I do this by simple setting columns visibility to false. You can see the result of a hide/visualize process in the second figure below. This behavior wasn't with version 8.3. Settings columns min width doesn't helps me!! Have you other ideas, how to resolve this new problem?
my application is only a part of a big bundle of applications. All applications are using 8.3 without the hotfix. A colleague overwrites the 8.3 libraries with the hotfix libraries, but after this some applications stops working. We have to recompile all applications with the hotfix libraries, 9.1 or a later version, but actually this isn't possible to use the hotfix libraries.