I have a UltraMaskedEdit control in a grid cell. The inputmask works fine with all numbers except with 9.
For example, I have to display grid cell content as 00 19 _ _. So the custom input mask is 00 19 ##
But after setting the mask, the grid cell text is displayed as 00 1_ _ _. This happens only when 9 comes beside # character. I have tried "n" also in the mask. Then also,the same result am getting..
Code looks like this
cell = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ActiveRow.Cells["Number"];
UltraMaskedEdit textEdit = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.UltraMaskedEdit();
textEdit.EditAs = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.EditAsType.UseSpecifiedMask;
textEdit.InputMask = "00 99 ##";
Appreciate a reply in this regard. Thanks!!
This happens because '9' is a valid mask character and will be interpreted as such. You can prevent this from happening by escaping the charater in your mask, i.e.
this.ultraMaskedEdit1.InputMask = "001\\9##";
Thanks Matt