Hi,I would like to force the default state of specific RibbonGroups in a Ribbon Tab to be always "collapsed" (i.e. the group's DropDownButtonUIElement is in view rather than the underlying content - which is only shown when clicked.)This behaviour is seen naturally when you manually reduce the width of the parent form to such a point that the group's content would otherwise be clipped - at which point it shows a button instead - with a down arrow).I want to acheive this same effect but to have it in this state regardless of the width of the parent form.
i.e. something like
OnRibbonInitialize(){ this.MyToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs["MyTab"].Groups["GroupToCollapse"].IsCollapsed = true;}
where IsCollapsed is the functionality I am looking for - it doesn't exist.
I have the same requirement
Me too. Any Ideas?
I'm interested in this functionality as well. I would like the groupbox to display as a dropdown with large buttons, no matter what size my form is. I illustrated an example below. Can anyone help?
FYI as no one was coming back to me on this I ended up implementing with extra buttons. For each group I create a button (and which I make visible instead of the group). When the button is clicked, I might decide to hide it and show the group instead. So if I have 3 groups, I need 3 extra buttons