I am trying to update the row count total for a grid when a user selects an item from my combobox.
I am using the AfterRowFilterChanged event for the count when the grid is filtered and that works fine, but on my form I have a combobox that applies a query to the Grid. When the grid changes, my row count label stays the same.
What event is the last event that happens after a grid is displayed?
What kind of query are you applying to the grid? If you're using a filter condition, then you should be able to use the grid's filtering events. If you're applying something on the underlying data source, this is more difficult to do since the grid will not update itself until the next Paint message; you don't really want to check row counts here, though. If you can be a little more specific, perhaps I can come up with a different workaround.
I have a ComboBox on the form that selects a query. The grid then changes to the underlying datasource. Is there an event that is triggered when the grid information has changed without the filter?
It might also work if you get the count of the rows in the same place you set the data source. In other words - not in any event of the grid, but in whatever event you are setting the grid's data source.
If you're re-binding the grid, the InitializeLayout would fire. You should also get the InitializeRow events to fire when updating the data source. Unfortunately, I don't think that either of these events are going to help you since you won't get the full row count. I think that your best bet is to simply get the number of rows from your data source in this case, since you know when you're applying that filter vs the grid's filters.