I'm part of group for a college class that is working with a company to create a scheduling system and one of the requirements is to create a custom new appointment form. Could someone give me an idea of how this is done or links to examples? I have looked for awhile now but found nothing useful.
I beleive you need to add a handler for the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event for the CalendarInfo object which gets invoked before the standard dialog appears. you can then disaply your own form and add/update the appointment in the CalendarInfo. If you set the Cancel field of the DisplayAppointmentDialogEventArgs argument to true that will ccancel the standard appointment form.
I tried what you said, but the program never enters the section of code to handle the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event. I will copy the section of code and perhaps you can elaborate further.
{ //Cancel standard appointment dialog form e.Cancel = true; //Call custom appointment dialog form from here Form apptForm = new Appointment(Name_TxtBox.Text, null, null, Phone_TxtBox.Text); apptForm.Show(); }