Hi All:
I have the following code behind a button's click event, which removes records from my UltraDataSource (bound to my UltraGrid) if the "Age" field is zero (or null):
Dim uRow As UltraDataRow For Each uRow In UltraDataSource1.Rows If (uRow("Age") Is DBNull.Value OrElse DirectCast(uRow("Age"), Integer) = 0) Then 'Delete the row and raise the Event UltraDataSource1.Rows.Remove(uRow, True) End If Next
The problem is that it deletes every OTHER row. If I enter "0" for the Age in rows 1, 2, and 3, rows 1 and 3 will be deleted but row 2 will not. If I enter "0" for the age in rows 1, 3, and 5, all three rows are deleted successfully.
Any reason why it won't delete consecutive rows?
Hello Kevin , Here is a smple code how to remove items form ultradataSource. Fireing the event RowDeleted and and removing the item form external data will be sinchronized in this way:Me.externalData.Rows.RemoveAt(e.Row.Index)Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim rowItemsToRemove As New List(Of UltraDataRow)() For Each item As UltraDataRow In ultraDataSource1.Rows Dim value As Object = Me.ultraDataSource1.Rows(item.Index).GetCellValue(2) Dim intValue As Integer If TypeOf value Is System.DBNull OrElse (Int32.TryParse(TryCast(value, String), intValue) AndAlso intValue = 0) Then rowItemsToRemove.Add(item) End If Next For Each rowItem As UltraDataRow In rowItemsToRemove ultraDataSource1.Rows.Remove(rowItem, True) NextEnd SubI hope this helps.Best regards,DimiDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics Inc
Hi Dimi:
That worked PERFECTLY! Much thanks!