I use a UltraNumericEditor that is set to have 3 decimal places. I have enabled the spinnerButton so I can easily alter the number. When you click the spinner it increments the number by either 1 or 0.001. Ideally I would like to change this by 0.1. Can this be done?
When the value of the decimal reaches 0.999, 1 click up sets the value to 0.000, I would like this to show 1.000.
I thought about capturing the EditorSpinButtonClick event and maintaining it manually but the event doesn't seem to trigger. Am I missing something.
I've added the eventhandler like so:
this.ultraNumericEditor1.EditorSpinButtonClick += new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.SpinButtonClickEventHandler(this.ultraNumericEditor1_EditorSpinButtonClick);
And my event handler is simply:
Ideas please?
There are two different ways to have a spin button the control. The default spin button has always been there and you can't change the increment.
The second way is to use editor buttons. These are buttons in the ButtonsRight or ButtonsLeft collection of the control. So what you probably want to do is turn off the regular spin button and add a SpinEditorButton to the ButtonsRight collection. This button will trigger the EditorSpinButtonClick event.
Can I change the incrementer (I need 0.1 increment), withoot writing routines for handling spinbuttonclickEvent?