highlighted text in grid cell ... how to align to left ?
I tried changing "everything" to TextVAlign = Left , but no luck
How do you ensure the selected text is left justified ( so can see numbers on the left of a concat field) , please ?
Do i need to use an editor ?
If the text does not fit within the cell and you tab into the cell so that all of the text is selected, then the text is shifted all the way to the left so that you can see the last character.
This is the behavior of the Windows TextBox and there's no way to change it as far as I know. You will get the same results with a TextBox control in DotNet.
Yes this is the problem .... it is a long text entry - wider than the grid cell, and the TextHAlign (sorry for typo) does not help.
Rats ... most annoying to not be able to do something.
Thanks though.
The only solution I know of for something like is the obvious one: make the cell wide enough to show all of the text.
This article mentions seletion length , just an idea.
Actually ........ the grid (with one record) is in either data entry mode - ( if a new record) or normal mode ( if editing an existing record)
And the Cell has a Dropdown.
And same as before ..... when TABBING or Selecting the Dropdown text entry - it highlights itself as the cell is in "Cell Edit" mode.
And Settings in the 'Grid Cell' or the 'Dropdown' settings - do not seem to help in ensuring that the left most edge of the text is visible.
I am porting an MSAccess app, and their Grid / Dropdown does allow alignment.
There are many settings I tried but no luck.
Just clarifying - in case you see a way to fix the alignment.......