My grid contains and series of rows which each belong to a parent group:
A |_ A1 |_ A2 B |_ B1 |_ B2 |_ B3
We have custom summaries set for A and B that aggregate values for their children and return a single value to provide for that column at the group-level.
When we scroll through the grid (using the scrollbar) performance is really really slow (when using the mouse-wheel is literally un-usable). I ran it through JetBrains quickly and the trace looked like the attached image.
It seems that get_SummaryPositionColumnResolve calls Contains which takes over 55% of the time used during a simple scroll operation.
Is there any advice for how I can reduce this and improve the performance I see when scrolling through a grid with many groups?
If you do not already have it, I recommend getting the latest Hot Fix. This might already be fixed.
If that doesn't help, you should Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support along with a small sample project demonstraitng the issue so this can be investigated.
we are having the same problem, and we are using 9.2.20092.2058.
The scroll lag is proportional to the number of grouped levels and summaries applied to the view. I tried to remove the grouped levels and the scroll is fast. Then I put the grouped levels back WITHOUT any summary and the scroll is slower, but still good. Then I added the summaries and the scroll became slow, in particular when using the scroll wheel you see that the grid does not follow the wheel, but it reacts once you stop moving the wheel (try with fast movements).
Any idea if this is going to be fixed?
Hi Luis,
In order to fix it, we first have to be able to duplicate it. If you are able to provide a small sample project demonstrating this issue, then please Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support so that we can check this out and get it corrected.