I've a problem with exporting the UC to a PDF or XPS format.
Problem is that while the export goes well, the chart is not scaled, since only a percentage is displayed.
The chart is being cut on the right, again, there is no auto scaling.
Any ideas are welcomed and needed asap!
Here is my code :
Dim ReportName_PDF As String = App_Path + "\Reports\Graph_1.pdf"
Dim ReportName_XPS As String = App_Path + "\Reports\Graph_1.xps"
Case "XPS"
Case "PDF"
Am i doing wrong ?
Thanks a lot in advance for any hints!
looks like you're doing everything correctly. if the chart is rendered too large to fit on the document, how about using the RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics overload that takes a width and a height as arguments?
Me.UltraChart_Parameters.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(Report_Graphics, 250, 250)
Thanks for the answer, I've tried that before, however the chart while stretched, is not properly scaled.
My point is, it's not supposed that the RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics will do the auto scaling to fit the page?
Thanks in advance for any help!
RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics is not designed to do any scaling to fit the page. You can, however, use the PageSize property of the report section to get the page size, and base the size of the chart off of that.
Thanks again for your help!
Please, can you give me a little code to do that?
Thanks in advance.
when ultrachart save in pdf & image format its different,
in image format it works fine but when saved into pdf format its not working well
i sent u sanpshot
Hi,If the chart border property was raised and if we export the chart to PDF,then the chart background is filling with black color.this.ultraChart1.Border.Raised = true;
See the following figure
If we make this.ultraChart1.Border.Raised = false; and if we export the same to PDF,then everything is perfect.This is the code Im using fr exporting the chart to PDF format. Infragistics.Documents.Report.Report chartReport = new Infragistics.Documents.Report.Report(); Graphics chartGraphics = chartReport.AddSection().AddCanvas().CreateGraphics(); ultraChart1.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(chartGraphics); //Define a string that contains the path to SaveFileDialog saveFileDialogChart = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialogChart.Filter = "PDF Files|*.PDF|All Files|*.*"; saveFileDialogChart.Title = "Export Chart Image To PDF"; saveFileDialogChart.FileName = "PDF Format"; chartReport.Publish(saveFileDialogChart.FileName, FileFormat.PDF);But,in the generated pdf, if user wants to see the border settings wat ever he assigned,is there is any way to do tht.
David, thanks a lot for your great help, very appreciated!
Report rep = new Report(); ISection mySection = rep.AddSection(); float sectionWidth = mySection.PageSize.Width; float sectionHeight = mySection.PageSize.Height; float chartWidth = this.ultraChart1.Width; float chartHeight = this.ultraChart1.Height; float targetWidth, targetHeight; if (chartWidth > chartHeight) { targetWidth = sectionWidth; targetHeight = chartHeight * (sectionWidth / chartWidth); } else { targetHeight = sectionHeight; targetWidth = chartWidth * (sectionHeight / chartHeight); } Graphics myGraphics = mySection.AddCanvas().CreateGraphics(); if (targetWidth > targetHeight) // optional: center image { myGraphics.TranslateTransform(0f, (sectionHeight - targetHeight) / 2f); } else { myGraphics.TranslateTransform((sectionWidth - targetWidth) / 2f, 0f); } this.ultraChart1.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(myGraphics, (int)Math.Floor(targetWidth), (int)Math.Floor(targetHeight)); rep.Publish(@"C:\chart.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);