I have 1 UltraTabControl on my parent form with in that I am opening different forms in respective tabs. I have following queries...
1) I want to drag any tab out of the parent form and display that tab's control(the form that is being shown with in the tab) as a seperate form.
2) I want to put a feature that if the form which is shown seperatly in 1 query can be dragged back to the tab control by moving that form over parent form's tab control(where it was residing initially).
Please help me.
You might want to consider using WinDockManager for this functionality. WinTabControl doesn't have the ability to "tear away" an individual tab from the tab area. WinDockManager has the capability to tear away individual panes or re-dock them to a location, and can show a tabbed interface for its controls.
Hi Vince,
I'm trying to implement a slightly different "tear away" feature using UltraTabControl. When a tab is getting drag out of the UltraTabControl, I need to create a new window and then pass the UserControl in the TabPage to the new window. I've been looking for ways to catch this event but it seems there's no events in UltraTabControl/UltraTab that I can use to catch that action. Could you please help me.
Many thanks.
You will likely want to use the MouseDown, MouseMove, and similar events, which are provided on all Windows Forms controls. In these events, you can take a look at the UIElement underneath your mouse cursor to see if it belongs to a tab from WinTabControl. I don't have a sample handy, and I don't know off the top of my head which UIElements to look for.
If you want to work with our UIElements, I recommend that you use the Infragistics UIElementViewer Utility.
If you need more specific assistance with identifying the UIElement to look for or how to look for it, you can submit a support request.