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About Keeping the Size of EditorControl in a Grid Cell


I show UltraProgressBar in a column of UltraGrid using _grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["Progress"].EditorControl = ultraProgressBar1; and make the rows of the grid resizable using _gridActionInfo.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.RowSizing = RowSizing.AutoFree;

When resizing the row, the progress bar in the cell is also resized: the height of the progress bar is always the height of the row. Now I want to keep the original height of the progress bar when resizing the row: when row height changes, the height of the progress bar won't change.  How can I make this happen?

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  • 37774
    Verified Answer

    I'm not really sure that this is possible, since the grid needs to fill the contents of the cell with what the editor provides; properties like MaximumSize on the control are not respected for the embeddable editor.  You might be able to do this with a CreationFilter, ensuring that you position the ProgressBarEmbeddableUIElement such that it is not changed in height.  If you think that you might want to go this route, the UIElementViewer is a useful utility.

