I was getting the following error during compiles: Not enough storage is available to process command
Read some articles that suggest I remove uneeded references... I remvoed about 7 Infragestic references that I wasn't using and the compile problem went away... I wasn't actually expecting it to work, now that it has... If there an easy way to determine which Infragestic DLL's I'm actually using?
If you want to see what DLLs you have loaded, at run-time you can look at the Debug -> Windows -> Modules window. I haven't seen the compile error before, though, but perhaps you are out of hard-drive space and you have Copy Local set to true, meaning that when you build, Visual Studio will create copies of the DLLs.
Google search shows alot of posts with a similar problem and the common thread is that it is a problem with the infragestic DLL's. Your project upgrade tools appears to add all of your DLL's. I removed half of them and I am compiling fine. The problem is not disk space, I have 300 gigs free. Rather, the compilation runs out of memory.