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Remove Space between X-Axis Border and X-Axis Labels


I am using UltraWinChart version 8.1.200081.1000 for displaying a line graph.

On X-Axis the space between the axis line and the labels doesnot allow labels to be visible fully. The following is the code I am using:

.Axis.X.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.Smart
.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:dd-MMM-yy>"
.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.Custom
.Axis.X.Labels.OrientationAngle = 45
.Axis.X.Labels.VerticalAlign = StringAlignment.Far
.Axis.X.Extent = 45
.LineChart.TreatDateTimeAsString = False

I had also tried using the following:

.Axis.X.Labels.Layout.Behavior = AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.None

but with no luck.

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