.Caps = PCaps.HitTest Or PCaps.Tooltip
but when I mouse over the X symbols on the chart I do not get a tooltip like I get when I mouse over the box.
I have attached code that will run and demonstrate what I am seeing (or not seeing as the case may be). All you need to do is drop a chart onto a form and just click cancel when the wizard comes up, and then copy the code in.
you need to also set
.Chart = Me.ChartCore.ChartType .Layer = Me
further, there's a null reference in the box chart tooltips, which i found when i tested this out. to work around it, you need to add this:
.Series = New BoxSetSeries() .DataPoint = New BoxSet(centerX.ToString(), centerX, centerX, centerX, centerX, centerX)
Another quick question...
If I had these "X" symbols on a Scatter Chart, when I hover over the object, it highlights the point with a ring around it. Similarly, on the BoxChart, the box highlights when you hover over it. I can now get the "X" to show up correctly on the BoxChart and when I click on it, I get it in the ChartDataClicked event to successfully fire, but the symbol does not highlight when you hover over it.
Is this possible?
Awesome that worked.