.Caps = PCaps.HitTest Or PCaps.Tooltip
but when I mouse over the X symbols on the chart I do not get a tooltip like I get when I mouse over the box.
I have attached code that will run and demonstrate what I am seeing (or not seeing as the case may be). All you need to do is drop a chart onto a form and just click cancel when the wizard comes up, and then copy the code in.
I think this will happen if you use PointSet primitives instead of Symbols.
Another quick question...
If I had these "X" symbols on a Scatter Chart, when I hover over the object, it highlights the point with a ring around it. Similarly, on the BoxChart, the box highlights when you hover over it. I can now get the "X" to show up correctly on the BoxChart and when I click on it, I get it in the ChartDataClicked event to successfully fire, but the symbol does not highlight when you hover over it.
Is this possible?
Awesome that worked.
you need to also set
.Chart = Me.ChartCore.ChartType .Layer = Me
further, there's a null reference in the box chart tooltips, which i found when i tested this out. to work around it, you need to add this:
.Series = New BoxSetSeries() .DataPoint = New BoxSet(centerX.ToString(), centerX, centerX, centerX, centerX, centerX)