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Saving Workbook in Excel 2007 Format produces Document

My application allows exporting database tables to Excel. As I switched to new XLSX format I have noticed that Excel 2007 always requires a file repair before file can be opened.
The problem occurs even with very simple data in the test code below: 

WorkbooktestWorkbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = testWorkbook.Worksheets.Add("Test Sheet");
worksheet.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value =
"Test value";

If I try to open generated file the first time with Excel 2007, it claims the format is invalid and makes a repair with following repair log summary. (Unfortunately I have a German version of Excel, so the summary text was in German. I have translated it myself, so it might be different from the English version. )

<repairedParts summary="Following repairing has been done:_x000d__x000a__x000d__x000a_">
   <repairedPart>Repaired part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml-Part with XML error. Error loading data. Line 11, Column 71.</repairedPart>

By the way, the generated file can't be opened with Infragistics either:

        testWorkbook = Workbook.Load(targetFilePath);  

causes System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown at Infragistics.Excel.WorksheetCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)

If  Excel97To2003 workbook format is used, correct xls file is generated and can be opened with Workbook.Load. 

Am I doing something wrong or is it a known issue?
If it is a known issue, is any hotfix planned? (December Hotfix for Infragistics 8.3 did not help)

Thanks in advance.


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