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Office2007Blue Style Grid Font White

I open the Office2007Blue.isl file in the AppStylist for Windows Forms, and the grid's selected row's font displays as dark blue in the preview canvas. When I put an UltraGrid on a Windows Form and load Office2007Blue.isl using the StyleManager, the selected row's font is white. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

I am using NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0.


  • 469350
    Offline posted

     Hi John,

    I just tested this out both in AppStylist an in a project with a WinGrid on a form and it works fine for me in both cases, the selected text is always Dark Blue. 

    Perhaps the grid in your application does not support selected rows. Have you set SelectTypeRow to None somewhere? Maybe the row is not selected, but rather Active.

    Are you displaying the RowSelectors on your grid?Are you selecting the row by clicking on the row itself or the row selector? If it's the row itself, then what is your CellClickAction set to? 

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