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Compare UltraGridLayout

I want to save an load layouts of an ultragrid. This is no problem wih SaveAsXm. But I want to ask the User if he wants to save a changed layout.

Is there any way to compare 2 layouts (current and a  perviously saved).

 .Equals(object)  seems to have no effect.


UltraGridLayout LoadedLayout = ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Clone();
bool isEqual = LoadedLayout.Equals(ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout);  // is false



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  • 469350
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    I don't think there is any simple way to do this. Layouts are pretty complex with lots of properties, and the Equals method will just do a reference comparison. 

    I suppose one way to do this would be to write each layout into a stream and them loop through the stream and compare each Byte. I'm not sure how efficient this would be, though. 
