I have a datatable with 3 columns "Month Data1 Data2", and I reverse the datatable so make it the datasource of winchart. But some charts displayed the X Labes, some not? What's the reason? How to make the Month column always displayed as the X Labels?
What chart types didn't display the month column? I'm assuming that's a string column. Not every chart type uses a string-based X axis. For example, Scatter and Bubble charts use both numeric axes. With the charts that don't display the month, do you see any labels?
The chart is linear chart.
And another question, sometimes the X Labels are too much, so I want to display only few of them, such as every three months or every five days.
How to do that?
If you have too many labels and label layout behavior set to Auto, no labels will be displayed in order to prevent label collisions. Try setting chart.Axis.X.Labels.Layout.Behavior to None. If you're using Time axis (TreatDateTimeAsString=false), you can use the 4 Tickmark related properties under the Axis.X property to control the interval. If you're using a string axis, you will have to implement IRenderLabel to hide some of the labels. Here are some helpful online help links: