I was trying to do something similar to Datagridview in .net where we can display one record (details) at a time and using scroll or navigation let the user go to next record.
Hi Manoj,
See card-view functionality. Basically you should be able to display one record at a time by setting the grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].CardView to true and setting MaxCardAreaCols and MaxCardAreaRows properties off the CardSettings to 1. This along with row-layout functionality you can basically display each record as sort of like a form with complex arrangements of columns.
You can also hide the scrollbar in case you want to expose external ui (like next/prev buttons) for navigating rows. For that you would set the Cardscrollbars on the CardSettings and as for the actual navigation to move to next/prev record, you would use set the Rows.FirstVisibleCardRow to next/prev row.
Hope this helps,
Hi Sandip,
I was able to do one record at a time but not the scrolling thing using custom button as Grid.rows doesnt have FirstVisibleCardRow property. Any sample would be appreciated.
Seems this property (FirstVisibleCardRow) has disappeared from v7.3 onwards...
Is this correct? The documentation still mentions this property?!
I have just upgraded to v7.3, and now my solution won't build because of this...
It has indeed been fixed in the v7.3 hotfix 1054
If a property was removed and breaks backward compatibility, it's a bug. That should never happen.
You might want to try getting the latest Hot Fix and see if the property was put back in. I think this might have been a mistake that was corrected a long time ago.