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Programmatically check duplicate nodes. v8.2

gooday all,

a tree has nodes, some are duplicate nodes (i.e., representing the same underlying product).

In-memory DataTable (DuplicateNodeTable) holds duplicate nodes information.

when user checks a node, UltraTree_BeforeCheck event fires,  here i check to see if the node exists in DuplicateNodeTable.

if the node is one of the duplicate node in the table==>> get reference to the tree like so:

                        UltraTree DuplicateTree = this.dsExBar.Groups[row.Row["SchemaID"].ToString()].Container.Controls[0] as UltraTree;

try and get a reference to the node like so:

                        duplicateNode = DuplicateTree.Nodes[row.Row["treeHierarchyID"].ToString()];

row.Row["treeHierarchyID"].ToString(), is the nodes Key Property, i.e Tree.Nodes[string Key]

 an error is thrown, "Key not found Parameter name: key"


i have made sure that the Key property is initialized correctly. why is error thrown?



  • 69832
    Offline posted

    You cannot specify the same key to two or more nodes in the same tree, and you stated that some nodes are duplicate nodes, so I am not clear on what "duplicate" means in this context. The 'Key not found' exception is thrown when no node with that key exists in *that* collection, so it would seem possible that while the key you are specifying does indeed exist, it does not belong to any node in the collection on which you are accessing it.

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