I have a grid with a parent/child hierarchy. Each band in the grid has its own RowEditTemplate. I also display the Add New button (one for parent band and one for child band). I'm using the "ultraGrid1_AfterRowActivate" event to display pop-ups (notices) that are potentially associated with each row in the grid. My problem is...I don't want this logic (display pop-ups) to be executed if the user is either clicking the new row (has backcolor of lightyellow OR if they user clicks the Add New button. I don't want these popups to display because they don't apply to the new row. What method or row property should I check to see if the row that's selected is either a New row being added or an existing row that is being edited???
For each regular row (not new or template), row.IsAddRow and row.IsTemplateAddRow are false.
I'm checking row.IsAddRow and row.IsTemplateAddRow, but my application is still displaying the pop-ups (should not be) when I click a new row in the grid or click the "Add Row" button. This is the event that contains the condition I'm checking:private void ultraGrid1_AfterRowActivate(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (ultraGrid1.ActiveRow.IsAddRow == false && ultraGrid1.ActiveRow.IsTemplateAddRow == false) { [code to display pop-ups here] }}
Should I be checking this in another event?