I want to show a print preview the way the calendar looks. I have set the time Interval on the calendar to 10 minutes. Whenever I do the print preview, the time interval is 20 minutes. Is there a property I can set the time interval on the print preview to the same time interval as the calendar?
On the form load event, I have this: this.ultraDayView1.TimeSlotInterval = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TimeSlotInterval.TenMinutes;
In the Printing method I have this: this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = this.ultraCalendarInfo1; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.SchedulePrintStyle.Daily; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.IncludeDateHeaderArea = false; this.ultraPrintPreviewDialog1.Document = this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1; this.ultraPrintPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog(this);
I'm facing the same problem, can anyone find solution for this?
How about doing something like this.
1. Make a copy of the ultradayview so we can use it as a "Template"2. Define TimeSlotInterval on dayview copy3. Set dayview copy as the "Template"
Dim upd As UltraSchedulePrintDocument = New UltraSchedulePrintDocument() Dim updDayView As UltraDayView = Me.UltraDayView1 upd.TemplateDayView.TimeSlotInterval = TimeSlotInterval.FifteenMinute upd.TemplateDayView = updDayView
' the "template" properties are used to initialize the ' properties of the controls created for the print operation ' and make it easier to print in a wysiwyg fashion. the ' settings may be further tweaked using the "Initialize" events ' of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument. Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = Me.ultraDayView1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewMulti = Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewSingle = Me.ultraMonthViewSingle1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateWeekView = Me.ultraWeekView1
I dunno if this will wokr. I have not played around with this control too much but it gives you somewhere to start looking I hope.
Aaron Glover said: I dunno if this will wokr. I have not played around with this control too much but it gives you somewhere to start looking I hope.
As per my quote, I didn't know if my instructions would help/work... well they don't
Can someone please help me change the TimeSlot Interval in my UltraSchedulePrintDocument