i need some more properties in the DataBindingsForAppointments. how to add user defined properties to the AppointmentDataBinding class.
i have tried to inherit AppointmentDataBinding class, but i cant because that class doesnt have constructor. so i am getting error.
My Code is given below:
public class AppointmentsDataBinding_User : AppointmentsDataBinding
private string _userDefinedProperty = string.Empty;
//user defined properties
Create a serializable custom class which contains your custom properties and store this class object in each appointment.tag
To store in the Database bind using the "AllProperties" Binding Member.
Then to evaluate the properties simply cast the appointment.tag object into your custom class and evaluate the properties of your custom class.
Hi thank you for your reply. appointment.tag shows always null value for me. my code is given below. please tell me what is wrong in my code.
public class ExtendedAppointmentInfo
private string userDefinedProperty = string.Empty;
set { this.userDefinedProperty = value; }
exAppInfo.userDefinedProperty = "Green";
ultraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForAppointments.Tag = exAppInfos;
ultraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForAppointments.DataSource = dsScheduleInfos;
List<ExtendedAppointmentInfo> extendedApp= (List<ExtendedAppointmentInfo>)e.Appointment.Day.Appointments.Tag;
e.Appointment.Day.Appointments.Tag; all time it is null.