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Turn Off Column Sort Indicator


I am looking for a way to turn off the display of the Sort Indicator on a sorted column while retaining the ability for the user to sort the column.

I have searched the forum and found a similar question - the suggested fix was to use a CreationFilter on the grid to cancel the creation of the SortIndicatorUIElement.

This does stop the indicator being displayed - however my problem is that the space is still made for the indicator anyway. How do I prevent this?

This results in wrapping of the header text unless I resize the column to fit the updated column header.

I have very strict (and unique!) requirements to save as much space as possible to resizing the column is not an option. I need to hide the indicator AND stop the grid reserving space for it also.

I have tried numerous workarounds involving resetting the columns SortIndicator property to None. This does the trick when sorting Ascending however when sorting Descending it reverts the sort to Ascending :-(

 Any suggestions are most welcome.


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