All the cells in my ultrawingrid are editable.
For every row there is a button called Save.
So when I change the value of a cell in a particular row and clicks on other row without saving
it should prompt the user that changes will be lost, do you wish to continue without saving with yes no options.
When user clicks yes - all the changes should be undone and active row should be the row that user clicked.
When user clicks no - changes will remain same and the active row should be the row that user made changes.
Also when the other control got focus (when grid lost focus)it should prompt the user if changes are made.
Please help me how to do this. I have done this but with many flags and low preformance code.
I think what you can to is set the RowUpdateCancelAction property on the grid so that the row maintains the focus. Then you can use the BeforeRowUpdate event to display your message and cancel the event if the user chooses not to leave the row.
Thanks very much, your two statements gave me lot of information.
But when I click on save button in a particular row and then change to other row BeforeRowUpdate should not fire because it it saved.
How can I resolve this.