Hi. I am evaluating your product. Everytime I try to add a datasoucre to your grid (using the property windows of VS and selecting a class in another project) visual studio stops responding. Is this a known issue ?
Is there a fix for this ?
This does not appear to be recursive, unless maybe PartyType is an object list that references a list of more PartyTypes.
How exactly are setting the grid's DataSource? I'm not sure what you mean by
mthgrondin said:selecting a class in another project
You may need to create a BindingSource to wrap your object for binding.
Did you try setting MaxBandDepth?
Yes I tried MaxBandDepth (setting it to 5 and it worked) now I have another problem VS2008 IDE keeps crashing evrytime I try to open the form with the ultragrid on it.
As for setting the datasource of the grid I use the property windows - > Datasource -> Add project datasource -> Select the PartyType class
Right now I am thinking of going back to vs2005.. Is the crashing issue Infragistics related or its just that VS2008 is buggy ?
Thanks for the help. Any sample showing how to create a bindingsource wrapper ? In the ideal scenario I would like to select witch properties of my object would be bound to the grid. For example, partyType inherit from LiquidBO but I don't want the properties of the base object to be bound to the grid (even if they can be hidden).
For now the crashing is the main problem...
mthgrondin said: Yes I tried MaxBandDepth (setting it to 5 and it worked) now I have another problem VS2008 IDE keeps crashing evrytime I try to open the form with the ultragrid on it.
What exactly do you mean by crashing? What's the error message?
mthgrondin said: Right now I am thinking of going back to vs2005.. Is the crashing issue Infragistics related or its just that VS2008 is buggy ?
I really couldn't say until I understand what the problem is. If setting MaxBandDepth worked, then Vince was right and your data source must be recursive and this was causing the lockup. So you are saying that you can set the DataSource on the grid, but you can't open the form designer?
mthgrondin said: Thanks for the help. Any sample showing how to create a bindingsource wrapper ? In the ideal scenario I would like to select witch properties of my object would be bound to the grid. For example, partyType inherit from LiquidBO but I don't want the properties of the base object to be bound to the grid (even if they can be hidden).
There's nothing to it. You put a BindingSource component on the form, set it's DataSource and (optionally) DataMember. Then use the BindingSource as your grid's DataSource rather than binding directly to the object.
You can hide fields in the grid using the Hidden property on the grid column. The InitializeLayout event of the grid is a good place to do this. There's no way to remove a field from the grid if it's exposed by the data source, you can only hide it. If you want to actually remove it so the grid doesn't bind to it at all, then you would have to modify your data source to do that. One thing you could do is implement ITypedList on your data source and handle GetProperties to only return the fields you want.
There is no error message. When I click on the visual studio ide I get (Not responding) on the whole ide.If I wait it outI get the message box saying visual studio needs to be closed. This issue started right after I started experimenting with the grid datasource.
Thats all I get when I try to open the form with the grid on it...
It sounds like your form has somehow gotten corrupted. You might try going into the InitializeComponent code for the form and find where it's seting the grid's DataSource and delete that line of code and see if that helps. Then you can make sure MaxBandDepth is set before you re-set the DataSource on the grid.
I'll try that... Thanks.