Is there any way of changing the direction that a column initialy sorts in? Currently it sems that the UltraGrid will sort in Ascending order first, but we would prefer this to be descending.
I have tried changing the SortIndicator property of all columns that are not in the current sorted set in the BeforeSortChange event. However when I do this I recieve an Argument exception saying its its not possible to modify the collection in this event.
You can set SortIndicator Property in initialize grid event like this:
grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["YourColumn"].SortIndicator = SortIndicator.Descending;
Sorry - to be more clear.
When a grid column header is clicked, and the sort indicator changes from None (unsorted) to a direction. For the first click the direction is Ascending, and to get a Descending order the user must click again.
In our application it would make more sense to have this default to Ascending first for some columns, the line above will initally set a column to be sorted descening, but this isn't quite what we require here.
Thanks for the suggestion,
I have found the mean of doing it too. My solution is not so elegant as Mike's one, but it works.
See attached small project.
Thank you both for your help.